Monthly Musings July 2024: Late Summer Fashion and Fun


Besties, we have a few weeks of summer remaining and I am ready to enjoy it. Are you? Today for Monthly Musings, Holly and I selected the topics of Late Summer Fashion and Fun for our July link-up. Please also take a moment to visit the sites of the other writers who are joining us this month. Embrace the last few weeks of longer days and join us for Monthly Musings. 

1. Summer travel--where have you been and what trips do you have coming up?

This summer looks a little different than previous summers due to Hockey Guy going off to college this year. We didn't take our traditional summer trip to Hilton Head but we are looking at heading there later in the year.

We made a trip to campus for orientation in July and then next month we head back to campus for the big move-in.  The three of us are looking to do something fun on the way down and Running Daddy and I will do something special on the way home. This does help soften the edge of not going on a "real" vacation this summer.


Hello Monday-July 22, 2024 Monthly Musings Topics


What a summer weekend Besties. We had some rain, a little downtime, the guys played golf and I joined them on the 19th hole, oh and witnessed an unprecedented change in our election process. No matter who you are supporting, this was a wild weekend. (Note, this is not a political site despite my day job!)

Today I am joining Holly and Sarah  today for Hello Monday to share the topics for Thursday's Monthly Musings. For July, we are continuing to embrace summer and sharing more summer fun. Join Holly and me back here on Thursday as a writer, reader or both as we host Monthly Musings July 2024.

See you back here on Thursday!


Friday Favorites July 12, 2024: Walmart + Review, Cute Dress, America's Sweethearts, Eyelet Shirt, and Platform Sandals


Hey there Besties! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind, but they have been so Good. Towards the end of June we hosted a graduation party for Hockey Guy which was so fun but ridiculously hot. Last week we headed to orientation at his college and we feel so Good about freshman year. 

I can now take a breath and focus on my sleep, some cooking and this space. This was a little bit of a weird week Today, I am back for Friday Favorites and linking up with Erika and Andrea and sharing all of the things I have been loving lately. Are you ready? Let's go!

1. Walmart +

Am I late to this party? I have been thinking about Walmart + because there is a really nice Walmart near campus and I thought it might be a really easy way for Hockey Guy to order any groceries he needs. I signed up this week because it is half-price at $49.


Monthly Musings June 2024: Summer Travel and Traditions


Hey there Besties! I am starting this post with an apology. Do you see the graphic above? Yup, there are two questions marked #3. At this point, I am not going to fix it because it will cause even more confusion for the writers who link up with us. Therefore people can answer either question marked #3 or even both. 

This is what happens when I work on a graphic at 5:30 a.m. the morning we were hosting Hockey Guy's graduation party. Holly is a very patient co-host.

Now that my confessional is out of the way, let's talk about summer travel and traditions. If you also participated in Monthly Musings, link up with us and try to visit the other writers listed below.

1. Share Your Summer Plans

Our summer is going to look a little different this summer with Hockey Guy going to college later this summer. We are headed to orientation this weekend and then we will spend this summer getting everything ready for him to go to school.

We are also going to try to spend as much time as possible together and let him spend time with his friends.

While we typically go to Hilton Head every summer, we are looking to do that possibly in the fall when Hockey Guy has a break.

Hello Monday-June 2024 Monthly Musings Topics


Good Monday morning! Popping in here real quick because we had Hockey Guy's graduation party yesterday. Linking up with Holly and Sarah  today for Hello Monday to share the topics for Thursday's Monthly Musings.

For June we will be sharing our Summer Travel and Traditions. Grag our graphic, link back to Holly and me and share all of your favorite summer traditions and travel tips.

I will see you back here on Thursday for Monthly Musings, or maybe even Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday if my week cooperates!


Friday Favorites: June 14, 2024: Summer Song, a Good podcast, the Morning Show and Throwback Favorite Sneakers


Happy Friday Besties! I am back on this almost summer Friday. I have been away from this space for a little bit because this has been a wonderful season of our lives with Hockey Guy graduating and that is where my entire focus has been for the last few weeks. It feels so Good to take a moment to link up with Erika and Andrea and shared my Friday Favorites. Pour your favorite beverage and join me for Friday Favorites today.

1. I Had Some Help

This is probably going to be the song of the summer in our house. You can't help but be in a Good mood when you listen to this song.

Enjoy this song as you head into the weekend.

Monthly Musings May 2024: Getting Ready for Summer/Memorial Day


Hey there Besties! This month has been a wonderful whirlwind and I have had to step away from the site for a bit, but I could not miss Monthly Musings! Today Holly and I are hosting our monthly link-up party and our focus for May is Getting Ready for Summer and Memorial Day. Who's ready to kick off summer? I know I am!

1. What are you looking forward to this summer?

This summer so much is going to be new for us with Hockey Guy going off to college in the fall. I am looking forward to the three of us spending as much time together this summer. I am also looking forward to his college orientation in July and also helping him pick out items for his dorm room.


Hello Monday May 24, 2024: Monthly Musings May 2024 Topics


Happy Monday Besties! I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend and taking a moment to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice by defending freedom. That is the real spirit of Memorial Day.

I am also touching base as needed to step away from this site for the last few weeks as we get ready to wrap up high school and work on the laundry list of things that need to be done for Hockey Guy's university. I was not prepared for this part at all and the last few weeks have been a little overwhelming but oh so Good. 

Since this is the last Monday of May,  I am linking up with Sarah  and Holly for Hello Monday and sharing the questions for Monthly Musings coming your way on Thursday. For May, Holly and I have questions surrounding getting ready for summer and Memorial Day. 


Friday Favorites May 2024: Maycember, MeSsy Podcast, Good Mascara, Palm Royale and Surprisingly Cute Sandals


Hey there Besties, I am not going to lie to you, this has been a weird energy week. Nothing super bad, just weird energy. I am glad to be ushering in the weekend.  It's been a while since I linked up with Erika and Andrea and shared my Friday Favorites. Are you ready? Let's do this!

1. Maycember by the Holderness Family

This is actually from last year, but does this really go out of style? Is anyone else suffering from "Maycember" right now? All of craziness of December without the cookie making, Hallmark Christmas movies and winter wonderland.

I am in total Maycember right now, with finishing up high school to-dos and then trying to navigate all of the tasks for Hockey Guy's college. This is a Good season of life, but this video is spot on.

Monthly Musings April 2024: All Things Spring


Oh Besties, I am so loving spring this year. I always love spring but there is something about spring 2024 that is really making me notice all of the flowers, colors and gorgeous weather this time around.

My spring mood is perfect for Monthly Musings because Holly and I are joining the talented women who participate in this monthly linkup for all things spring.  Are you ready? I sure am!

1. Favorite thing about spring?

This year, and almost every year, I am all about the flowers. I love to drive through Old Town and other parts of our neighborhood and just take in people's flowers. I am super proud of some of the flowers that I have planted, transplanted and helped cultivate over the years.

Below are some of the flowers from seasons past in our yard. I had to use photos from previous years because I got home too late to take photos and it was already dark out.


What's Up Wednesday-April 2024


Wow April what a month. You brought us my birthday, spring weather, a bit of travel and a whole lot of fun. April has been a Good month so far. Because it is the last Wednesday of April I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday. This linkup is a little food, a little fashion, what I was watching and what I was wearing in April. Embrace this spring weather and join me for What's Up Wednesday April 2024.

What We Are Eating This Week

Monday-Greek meatballs, quinoa, roasted vegetables and garlic breadsticks for the boys

Tuesday-Tacos, black beans and salad

Wednesday-Baked chicken thighs, rice and veggies

Thursday-Shrimp scampi, noodles and salad

Friday-Some type of take-out


Hello Monday-Monthly Musings Topics April 2024: All Things Spring


Happy Monday Besties! We had a pretty delightful weekend in the Good Better Best household. We are really soaking up spring in our house and all the fun and beauty that comes with the rebirth of this season. 

Today I am linking up with Sarah  and Holly for Hello Monday and sharing the questions for Monthly Musings coming your way on Thursday. For April, we are embracing all that spring brings to all of us. Our April topic is All Things Spring. Follow the questions listed above, link back to Holly and me and join us for all the spring beauty.

I hope to see you back here on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday and then Thursday for Monthly Musings. Plus if my week cooperates I hope to squeeze in a Friday Favorites too!


Monthly Musings March 2024-Spring Fashion


Oh spring you are so close and I am so happy. Holly and I are so ready to talk about spring fashion for our monthly linkup Monthly Musings. Every month we put together a themed list of questions and invite talented women to join us for a linkup party. For March we are ready to share all things spring fashion.

If you are joining us this month we are so excited to have you share your love of spring fashion. Just link back to both of us in your post and join the linkup below.

Let's talk spring fashion!

1. What is your go-to spring outfit?

My go-to spring outfit will always be white jeans and a Lilly Pulitzer top.  I own probably four or five of the Lilly Skipper popovers and they are just so easy to wear. The one below is very similar to ones I own. 

I have some of these in smalls but typically prefer a medium for layering purposes.

What's Up Wednesday-March 2024


March, you will a little chilly but you ended up being a pretty Good month.  As this is the last Wednesday of March, I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for their monthly link-up What's Up Wednesday. This is a little food, a little fashion, and a whole lot of fun things we have been up to in March.

What We're Eating This Week

I am going to be gone for a few days this week checking in with my mom so I will not be home Wednesday and Thursday nights. The boys will be on their own for dinner those nights, but here is what I think I have planned for the other nights.

Monday-Parmesan roasted shrimp, salad, jasmine rice

Tuesday-Hockey Guy has a golf match so we will do something easy like burger night or meatball subs. It will depend on if he has something to eat on the way home.

Friday-It will be pizza takeout for Good Friday


Hello Monday-Monthly Musings Topics


Happy Monday Besties! The weather is so very March around here, beautiful skies but very windy weather. I know that spring is right around the corner though.

Today I am linking up with Sarah  and Holly for Hello Monday and sharing the questions for Monthly Musings coming your way on Thursday. For March, we are focusing on spring fashion. Follow the questions listed above, link back to Holly and me and join us for all the spring fashion fun.



Friday Favorites: March 23, 2024-Favorite Quiet Luxury Brand, Makeup Updates and a Polarizing Show


Hey there Besties, I have been a little off the grid lately as this is a busy season of life. It's been a few weeks since I linked up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites and I am pretty excited about the list of beautiful items I am going to share with you today. Let's all take a deep breath because the weekend is here and enjoy Friday Favorites.

1. Quince Washable Silk Skirt

Is anyone else struggling with the length of skirts and dresses these days? I feel like they are all so long even in the "midi" length. I have been looking for a really Good black skirt at the right length for a while now and finally found one at Quince. 

Monthly Musings February 2024-Surviving the Winter Months


Happy Leap Day Besties! How fun to Monthly Musings on Leap Day. Today Holly and I are hosting our linkup party and talking about surviving these last few days of winter. It is more like fake spring around here and a cold snap could be just around the corner, so we may need these tips any day now/

1. What do you do in the winter that brings you Joy?

In the winter I like to use our fireplaces and light candles. It just brings a sense of warmth and calmness like nothing else. I really like it when I have an hour or so to be in the house alone with my candles and the fireplace on and maybe some music.

What's Up Wednesday-February 2024


February, I am not going to lie, was a little weird. There were a few ups and downs with a few things that made us really scratch our heads. We are all doing ok and we got some Good news as we headed towards the end of this month.  On this the last Wednesday of February, I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for their monthly link-up What's Up Wednesday. Let's do this.

What We're Eating This Week

Monday-I have acupuncture after work so everyone is on their own. I have frozen meatballs, french bread pizza, Niman ranch barbeque and berries in the fridge. No one will starve around here.

Tuesday-Marinated chicken thighs and veggies sheet pan meal.

Wednesday-Mini meatloaves, roasted potatoes and salad.

Thursday- Tacos with black beans and salad.

Friday-We have wine pickup for wine club and then we are stopping by a party. Definitely need to figure out food for Friday night.

Hello Monday-February Monthly Musings Topics


Hey there Besties! I hope everyone had a Good weekend. I am here today for Hello Monday with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday to share the February topics for Monthly Musings later in the week. On Thursday we will be sharing tips for surviving the last of the winter months. 

If you would like to join Holly and me for Monthly Musings, grab our graphic above and link up with Holly and me on Thursday. We look forward to seeing you back here on Thursday to share how to survive these last few weeks of winter.


Friday Favorites February 16, 2024: Two Shows, Good Hair Product, Valentine's Day Decor and a Sweet Treat from Trader Joe's


Hey there Besties, I am so ready for this weekend. All three of us need a weekend to rest and engage in some self-care. It's been a few weeks since I linked up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites and I am so ready to to share my fun list with you today. Today's list is all light-hearted and fun. I have two shows I am obsessed with, a hair product I just reviewed, my Valentine's mantle and a gluten-free French treat from Trader Joe's. Let's slide into the weekend and get ready for Friday Favorites.

1. Feud: Capote vs. The Swans

This limited series has everything I like. A true story in a period setting, a rockstar cast (we missed you on our screens Demi Moore), amazing costuming and gorgeous production quality. I am a week behind, but I am really enjoying this series. Is anyone else watching Capote vs. The Swans

Three Unique Chilies for the Super Bowl


Super Bowl Sunday is almost here. Are you here for the game, the commercials, the entertainment (Reba!!!) or to see if Taylor Swift makes it to the game from Japan? No matter why you are tuning in, the one thing that we can all agree on is that the food is a very important part of Super Bowl Sunday.

Chili is always a staple of football season and while I love a classic chili with ground beef or turkey, a tomato base and black beans, today I have three of my favorite chilis if you want a twist on something different for the the big game. You could even make a classic chili and then one of the recipes I am sharing today as a second option. Down, set, hike...let's make some chili!


What's Up Wednesday January 2024


The end of January is here and I know that people often say that January is the longest month, but I don't feel that way this time. I actually feel like January has been a pretty Good month and 2024 is shaping up to be ok so far.  As this is the last Wednesday of January, I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for their monthly link-up What's Up Wednesday. Let's settle in and reflect on the first month of 2024.

What We're Eating This Week

This is going to be a busy week and all three of us are going in three different directions. This is what I think dinner could look like this week but is totally subject to change. We do have a house full of food so no one will starve around here.

Monday-I have acupuncture after work, Hockey Guy has late hockey practice and Running Daddy may go hit golf balls after work. We are all kind of on our own to figure it out. There is leftover pork tenderloin, soup, and all kinds of things in the freezer.

Tuesday-Baked chicken tacos, black beans and salad.

Wednesday-Chicken legs, salad and rice

Thursday-Steak tips, roasted potatoes and salad

Friday-It's senior night for hockey and we will need to figure out what we are eating after the game


Monthly Musings January 2024-Winter Self-Care


Oh Besties, Holly and I are kicking off Monthly Musings 2024 with a topic that is so near and dear to my heart. Today we are talking about self-care tips for winter, or really any time of the year. I cannot wait to hear the tips that our community that joins us share today. Feel free to leave your Best tips in the comments below too. Take a deep breath in and out and join us for Monthly Musings.

1. How do you take care of yourself in winter?

I know that January can be very dark, but I also find it quiet. I try to embrace the quiet in January.

In the winter I definitely like to light candles both real and battery-operated when I get home and on the weekends. It just kind of gives the signal to my brain that I am home now and all is calm. We try really hard to keep a calm house.

I also to get out a little bit in the winter and walk and get some cool air in my lungs. I am almost finished with my 100 mile challenge and it has been really Good to be out in the winter weather and get some exercise. 


Monthly Musings Topics--January 2024 and Full Year 2024


Are you staying warm Besties? It has been a very chilly weekend here. Today I am liking up with Holly and Sarah  for Hello Monday and sharing the Monthly Musings topics for both January and all of 2024.

Monthly Musings is the linkup that Holly and I host the last Thursday of every month, with a few date exceptions as we get to the end of the year due to Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you linkup with us, make sure you make note of the dates for 2024, we don't want you to miss any of the fun.

In January we will be talking all about winter self-care. A topic that is so important for all of us. Just follow the question prompts in the graphic for January, write your post and link back to both Holly and me, and then link up with us on Thursday.


Friday Favorites January 19, 2024: Warm Slippers, Gratitude Journaling, Eczema Relief, Good Movies and New Show on Netflix


Brr Besties. Is it freezing or snowing where you are? It's pretty cold here and it is supposed to snow today, but it is January and we are having some real January weather this year. 

Before I jump into Friday Favorites, you may have noticed a subtle difference around here. We have a new home on the web with our new website address: This has been a long time coming and this new website address Better describes this site. So be sure to bookmark the new site but you will be redirected to the new site regardless.

Today for Friday Favorites I am linking up with Erika and Andrea and sharing the fun things that are bringing me Joy this week. I have slippers that finally keep my feet warm, how I start my mornings, a Good body lotion that helps my eczema, a movie we are all obsessed with and a Good Netflix show. Cuddle up and get ready for some Friday favorites.

Friday Favorites January 5, 2024: Your Favorite Posts of 2023


It's the weekend Besties. I hope you had an easy week for this first week of 2024. Today for Friday Favorites I am linking up with Erika and Andrea and sharing your favorite posts of 2023. I always love looking back at the posts that people love and reflecting what I was writing about at that time. Are you ready? Let the countdown begin!

#5 Friday Favorites from June 9, 2023

In this post I shared some beauty products that I was loving, and am still currently using, talked about my morning walks, which I am still incorporating into my weeks and a Good alternative for ice cream if you have some diary sensitivity like I can.


My Word for 2024 is...


Happy New Year Besties! 2024 is here and I hope you are having a Good start to this new year. Did you make any resolutions this year? If so, how are they going so far?

I haven't really made resolutions for the last few years and have focused on a word like many others do. My word for 2024 is Less. 


Happy New Year 2024!


Happy 2024 Besties! This year's New Year's Day is a special one for me. Twenty years ago today, I went to a friend's house for chili and bowl games and it changed my life forever. I went to that party and met Running Daddy and it was not supposed to be a setup. It was just meant to be. 

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