Monthly Musings 2024: Last Minute Holiday Tips/Prepping for the New Year


We are here Besties! We have made it to the last Monthly Musings of 2024. Holly and I have such fun hosting this link-up every month and the December questions are going to be so much fun. Are you ready to talk last-minute holiday tips and look to the New Year? I am!

1. What do you do about last-minute gifts you forgot to buy?

I think it is always Good to have a few gift cards on hand, a fantastic candle or a beautiful hand cream or body butter works too. Have these wrapped with a blank tag ready to go.

Monthly Musings Topics December 2024-Last Minute Holiday TIps/Prepping for the New Year


Here we are at the last Monthly Musings of 2024. Can you believe it? I am a day late posting this because I have been pretty sick this month and a little off the grid. I hope that you will join Holly and me as we share Last Minute Holiday Tips/Prepping for the New Year on Thursday.

I have had such fun co-hosting Monthly Musings in 2024 and appreciate everyone participating each month.

See you back here on Thursday for Monthly Musings!


Monthly Musings November 2024: Holiday Fun


I think I am finally ready to say, that the holiday season is right around the corner. With Thanksgiving coming up next week, and falling pretty late in November this year, the holiday season is basically here. This gal is excited! 

Due to Thanksgiving next week, Holly and I scheduled Monthly Musings a week early for November. We hope that the tips, tricks and holiday fun that the talented group of writers that join us every month will help inspire you this holiday season. I am so ready for this post.


Hello Monday November 18, 2024: November Monthly Musings Topics


The holiday season is right around the corner. I am really excited for all of the holidays this season. For Hello Monday today, I am linking up with Sarah and Holly to share the graphic and question prompts for November's Monthly Musings. 

Monthly Musings is a week early this year due to Thanksgiving. We hope you will join us as a writer, reader or both on Thursday to share all the pre-holiday fun. 

See you back here on Thursday for Monthly Musings. 


Friday Favorites November 15, 2024: Cute Slippers, Trader Joe's Wine, Perfect Palette, Magnesium Spray, and Good Body Serum


Hey Hey Friday, so Good to see you. This week felt long but the workdays went by quickly. Has anyone had weeks like this? Today I am taking a moment to link up with Erika and Andrea and share the simple pleasures that brought me Joy this week. I have a Trader Joe's wine, two body care products, a beautiful makeup palette and super cute dupe slippers to keep you warm. Let's roll into the weekend and enjoy Friday Favorites!

 1. Super Cute Dupe Slippers

My feet are always cold and I have slippers on in the house all the time. I have been seeing the clog-style slippers everywhere this season but I definitely wanted a pair that didn't break the bank. After buying several other options and returning them, I landed on these slippers from Walmart. 

Hello Monday-Fall Home Decor Part 2


Happy Monday Besties. I hope you had a Good weekend.  Even though I happen to be watching a Christmas movie as I work on this post, we are still embracing fall at our house. Today I am linking up with Holly  and Sarah for Hello Monday and continuing my fall home decor tour. Today I am taking you outside for the simple ways that I added fall touches to our house. If you missed part one you can check it out here

My outdoor fall decor started with the orange and yellow mum that Dancing Granny gave me. I then added in the yellow mums in the tall planters. For some reason I find that the yellow mums last longer but it could just be my imagination. 


Monthly Musings October 2024: Halloween and Fall Fun


Happy Halloween Besties! While I may already be watching Hallmark Christmas movies, I am ready to have the trick-or-treaters stop by tonight. Holly and I are super excited that Monthly Musings falls on Halloween and we can share all of the Halloween and Fall Fun with you. Grab your favorite Halloween candy and join us for Monthly Musings!

1. What Do You Usually Do for Halloween?

Our house is going to be a little more low-key this year for Halloween but we did get a few festive items up. Our neighbors typically come over and we give out candy together.


Hello Monday October 28, 2024: Monthly Musings October Topics


Hey hey Monday! It definitely feels like fall, for now. I hope that this fall weather we are having stay but it is supposed to be 80 degrees on Halloween. To get us all into the fall mood, no matter what the weatherman, I am linking up with Sarah  and Holly to share the topics for Monthly Musings coming up on Thursday, which is also Halloween. We are embracing all of the spooky fun and talking about Halloween and Fall Fun for Monthly Musings on Thursday.

If you are planning to join us as a writer for Monthly Musings, grab our ghoulish graphic, add a link to Holly and me in your post and then link up with us for all of the Halloween fun.

I will see you back here on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday and then on Thursday for Monthly Musings. 


Hello Monday--Fall Home Decor Part 1


Hey Hey Monday. Did you have a Good weekend? We had the perfect fall weekend with some football, grilling, a little church, some soup making and his and hers acupuncture appointments. Today I am taking you on a little tour of my fall decorations for our house that I love this year. I feel like we have not had much of a fall this year weather-wise, but inside our home has all the fall feels. The Best part is several of the items I used this year are from rummage sales and our local Buy Nothing site. I will point out what those items are as we go along.

I am excited to link up with Sarah and Holly  for Hello Monday and share my fall home tour with you. If you are ready, pour a hot cider or pumpkin spice coffee and join me for our fall house tour!

Living Room 


Hello Monday: Zippy Rosemary Roasted Squash


Happy Monday Besties! Running Daddy and I had an amazing food weekend and I am excited to share one of our Best dishes from this weekend. Today I am linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday to share my Zippy Rosemary Roasted Squash. 

Fall is my favorite season for food. I love the textures, the spices and the sweetness. There is nothing like fall food. This Zippy Rosemary Roasted Squash is easy, healthy and quick. While I am sharing a version with acorn squash, I did a similar version with a medium-sized sweet potato last week. It would also be amazing with butternut squash. 

Friday Favorites October 11, 2024: Pumpkin Spice Edition


Before I even start this post today, I want to make sure that everyone is sending prayers, Good thoughts and any aid they can to the people impacted by the storms over the last few weeks. If you are looking for a place to make a donation, of any amount, think about World Central Kitchen. They are currently sending water and fresh food to the southeast. Always double-check to see if your employer will match your donation. My employer will and it is a way to send additional help to impacted areas.

I am going to switch gears and move to Friday Favorites. It is ok to take a moment to focus on things that bring us Joy and levity even when times are challenging. Since there is no denying now that we are in full pumpkin spice season, I am sharing with you my favorite pumpkin spice items and not all of them are food items. Join me today as I link up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites-Pumpkin Spice Edition!

1. Trader Joe's Pumpkin Bread Mix

If you have spent any time on this site over the last few years you know that I am not a big baker. Baking can be tough when you are gluten-free but I have definitely figured out my go-to recipes and mixes. Trader Joe's makes an amazing pumpkin bread mix that comes in regular and gluten free. It is so Good that honestly, there is no reason in my mind to make it from scratch.


Monthly Musings-September 2024: Back-to-School Routines, Recipes and Fall Fashion


Here we are on the last Thursday of September. Did September fly by for anyone else? For September's Monthly Musings it is basically a buffet of early fall topics. Holly and I want to share what is working for back-to-school routines now that people have been settled in for a bit, favorite fall recipes, food and all of the fall fun. Join us for our link-up party that we host with a group of other talented writers for all of the goodness that fall brings. It's finally here!

1. What are your Best tips for getting into a fall/back-to-school routine?

As an official bird launcher, my back-to-school days are over or have taken a new look. The one thing that I will share is that for the first month or so is to be easy and flexible. Make dinner easy, don't pile on too many activities and understand, that everyone will be really tired!


What's Up Wednesday: September 2024


September is just rolling along here Besties! Does anyone else feel the same way? This has been a Good month so far and it is finally starting to feel like fall around here. As this is the last Wednesday of the month, I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday. Let's get ready to chat all things September!

What We're Eating This Week

Things in the menu planning department are relaxing a lot lately in the Good Better Best household now that it is just Running Daddy and me at home. Because it is just the two of us, traffic is terrible lately and we are about five weeks away from the election, I am trying to make our dinners for two as simple as possible.

Monday-Eggroll in a Bowl

Sidenote, I am not sure what I did when I made it this time, but it didn't turn out like it normally does. Do any of you have night like this?  You make a recipe about 100 times and one night you just can't get the seasoning right?

Tuesday-Pizza meatballs with salad

Wednesday-Hawaiian meatballs in the crockpot with salad

Yes, we are having two different kinds of meatballs with salad, two days in a row this week.  I may make a little brown rice with this if I am feeling adventurous. 

Thursday-Roasted shrimp with veggies and rice

Friday-Definitely takeout of some kind

What I am Reminiscing About

I am actually not feeling very sentimental right now. I am working hard to live in the moment and enjoy this season we are in. I have been thinking a little bit about this time last year when we were so focused on college applications and that Hockey Guy ended up exactly where he needed to be.


Monthly Musings September 2024 Topics: Back to School Routines, Recipes and Fall Fashion


Happy Monday Besties! I literally finished this graphic moments ago after a wonderful weekend visiting Hockey Guy! I am linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday and sharing the topics and the graphic for Monthly Musings coming up on Thursday of this week.

Now that we have settled into the school year and fall is starting to hit, we are talking about back-to-school routines (share what is working for you), recipes and fall fashion. We are sharing all of the early fall fun and hope you will join us as a writer, reader or both on Thursday! 


Friday Favorites September 13, 2024: Pumpkin Mugs, The Perfect Couple, Concierge Moms, Everyday Cardigan and Empty Nest Podcast


Summer definitely feels like it is coming to a close and fall is slowly creeping in around here. I am really embracing the fall this year and have so many things to look forward to this fall. At the same time, this is a very busy season for me at work with the upcoming elections which means I am pretty tired this week. I am working hard to embrace to fall fun to balance out the workweek.

I am happy to be back today for Friday Favorites sharing simple Joys that are getting me through the week. I will be linking up Erika and Andrea to share all of the things that made me happy this week.

1. Hello Pumpkin Mugs 

This mug is one of those simple Joys. There is a TJ Maxx near my office and about every other week I take a break and walk around TJ Maxx during lunchtime just to clear my head. Does anyone else do things like this? I saw these mugs in August and didn't buy them. I also realized that some of our coffee mugs were getting a little faded and their service has probably come to an end after 18 or so years. 

Monthy Musings August 2024: Summer's End/Back to School


Hey there Besties! August is winding down and so is summer. For Monthly Musings, Holly and I wanted to celebrate the end of summer and share the Best tips for back to school. Join us and the talented group of writers who link up with us every month for Monthly Musings. 

1. Do you meal plan? Any family-friendly recipes to share? 

I have always meal planned. I am not one of those people who can walk in the door after commuting from downtown (every day!) and figure out what to make for dinner. Even though it is just two of us in the house, I am still meal planning. I also think it helps with grocery shopping and cuts down on food waste. 

My taco meatballs can literally be on the table in less than 30 minutes and are something I have been making at least twice per month for years!

The parmesan chicken tenders are also super easy to make and give a healthier twist on a chicken nugget. Maybe I will make these next week! 


What's Up Wednesday: August 2024


Wow August! What a month. So much happened this month and so much has changed in the Good Better Best household since August 1st. To recap the month, I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday. Are you ready? Let's do this!

What We're Eating This Week

Monday-Egg Roll in a Bowl

Tuesday-Tacos, black beans, salad

Wednesday-Ranch chicken, noodles, salad

Thursday-Sausage, pepper pasta

Friday-Some type of take-out after his and hers acupuncture

What I'm Reminiscing About

With Hockey Guy leaving for college, I am reminiscing about all of the back-to-school years. Here he is on his first day of kindergarten.

I have also been thinking about this time last year when he was starting senior year and we had no idea what the year would hold for him. Where he is currently going to school wasn't even on the radar screen this time last year and it is looking like the perfect fit.

I have never been a "time slow down" person. I want him to move through his life exactly like he should. 


Hello Monday-August 26, 2024: August Monthly Musings Topics


Wow Besties, we are at the last Monday of August. I am linking up with Holly and Sarah today for Hello Monday to share our topics for Monthly Musings coming up on Thursday. 

This week is basically the last unofficial week of summer. There is definitely a change in the air weather-wise this week. The humidity is lower, the days are warm, the evenings are cool and a few evenings have been so delightful that we have even slept with the window open a few nights.  With the change in the air and schools going back into session, Holly and I are focusing on Summer's End/Back to School for August Monthly Musings.

If you want to join us for Monthly Musings, grab our graphic above, link back to Holly and me and share your thoughts about Summer's End/Back to School. I love reading all of the posts of the talented group of writers who join us every month. 

I'll be back on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday and then again on Thursday for Monthly Musings. See you then!


What's Up Wednesday-July 2024


Happy Wednesday Besties! It's been a few months since I joined Shay and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday but I am excited to be back this month for this fun link-up. May and June were so busy at the end of the month that this post was just not in the cards. I am looking forward to sharing with you a little food, a little fashion, what I am watching and everything else that happened in July. Are you ready? Let's do this!

What We're Eating This Week

I don't have a set menu this week because there is a lot going on this week, so I am not sure we will be eating together most nights this week. I have a house full of food so no one will starve. For the nights I think we are eating together, here is what we are having.

Tuesday-Enchilada tacos, black beans, salad

Thursday-Running Daddy's parents are coming over and I think we are just going to get pizza. 

What I'm Reminiscing About

With Hockey Guy having a big birthday coming up and going to college next month, I am reminiscing about a lot. I am thinking a little bit about how we have been in our house for 18 years and he was just about to be born when we moved in. I am not a person who wants time to slow down, time will do what it does. I am just a person who right now, is enjoying this time.

One the college drop-off part, I am mostly doing ok, but I keep telling people that reserve my right to fall apart. For the most part I am doing ok and keeping myself distracted with the to-do lists, but I also excel at suppressing my feelings. Things you may not realize about me. 


Monthly Musings July 2024: Late Summer Fashion and Fun


Besties, we have a few weeks of summer remaining and I am ready to enjoy it. Are you? Today for Monthly Musings, Holly and I selected the topics of Late Summer Fashion and Fun for our July link-up. Please also take a moment to visit the sites of the other writers who are joining us this month. Embrace the last few weeks of longer days and join us for Monthly Musings. 

1. Summer travel--where have you been and what trips do you have coming up?

This summer looks a little different than previous summers due to Hockey Guy going off to college this year. We didn't take our traditional summer trip to Hilton Head but we are looking at heading there later in the year.

We made a trip to campus for orientation in July and then next month we head back to campus for the big move-in.  The three of us are looking to do something fun on the way down and Running Daddy and I will do something special on the way home. This does help soften the edge of not going on a "real" vacation this summer.


Hello Monday-July 22, 2024 Monthly Musings Topics


What a summer weekend Besties. We had some rain, a little downtime, the guys played golf and I joined them on the 19th hole, oh and witnessed an unprecedented change in our election process. No matter who you are supporting, this was a wild weekend. (Note, this is not a political site despite my day job!)

Today I am joining Holly and Sarah  today for Hello Monday to share the topics for Thursday's Monthly Musings. For July, we are continuing to embrace summer and sharing more summer fun. Join Holly and me back here on Thursday as a writer, reader or both as we host Monthly Musings July 2024.

See you back here on Thursday!


Friday Favorites July 12, 2024: Walmart + Review, Cute Dress, America's Sweethearts, Eyelet Shirt, and Platform Sandals


Hey there Besties! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind, but they have been so Good. Towards the end of June we hosted a graduation party for Hockey Guy which was so fun but ridiculously hot. Last week we headed to orientation at his college and we feel so Good about freshman year. 

I can now take a breath and focus on my sleep, some cooking and this space. This was a little bit of a weird week Today, I am back for Friday Favorites and linking up with Erika and Andrea and sharing all of the things I have been loving lately. Are you ready? Let's go!

1. Walmart +

Am I late to this party? I have been thinking about Walmart + because there is a really nice Walmart near campus and I thought it might be a really easy way for Hockey Guy to order any groceries he needs. I signed up this week because it is half-price at $49.


Monthly Musings June 2024: Summer Travel and Traditions


Hey there Besties! I am starting this post with an apology. Do you see the graphic above? Yup, there are two questions marked #3. At this point, I am not going to fix it because it will cause even more confusion for the writers who link up with us. Therefore people can answer either question marked #3 or even both. 

This is what happens when I work on a graphic at 5:30 a.m. the morning we were hosting Hockey Guy's graduation party. Holly is a very patient co-host.

Now that my confessional is out of the way, let's talk about summer travel and traditions. If you also participated in Monthly Musings, link up with us and try to visit the other writers listed below.

1. Share Your Summer Plans

Our summer is going to look a little different this summer with Hockey Guy going to college later this summer. We are headed to orientation this weekend and then we will spend this summer getting everything ready for him to go to school.

We are also going to try to spend as much time as possible together and let him spend time with his friends.

While we typically go to Hilton Head every summer, we are looking to do that possibly in the fall when Hockey Guy has a break.

Hello Monday-June 2024 Monthly Musings Topics


Good Monday morning! Popping in here real quick because we had Hockey Guy's graduation party yesterday. Linking up with Holly and Sarah  today for Hello Monday to share the topics for Thursday's Monthly Musings.

For June we will be sharing our Summer Travel and Traditions. Grag our graphic, link back to Holly and me and share all of your favorite summer traditions and travel tips.

I will see you back here on Thursday for Monthly Musings, or maybe even Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday if my week cooperates!


Friday Favorites: June 14, 2024: Summer Song, a Good podcast, the Morning Show and Throwback Favorite Sneakers


Happy Friday Besties! I am back on this almost summer Friday. I have been away from this space for a little bit because this has been a wonderful season of our lives with Hockey Guy graduating and that is where my entire focus has been for the last few weeks. It feels so Good to take a moment to link up with Erika and Andrea and shared my Friday Favorites. Pour your favorite beverage and join me for Friday Favorites today.

1. I Had Some Help

This is probably going to be the song of the summer in our house. You can't help but be in a Good mood when you listen to this song.

Enjoy this song as you head into the weekend.

Monthly Musings May 2024: Getting Ready for Summer/Memorial Day


Hey there Besties! This month has been a wonderful whirlwind and I have had to step away from the site for a bit, but I could not miss Monthly Musings! Today Holly and I are hosting our monthly link-up party and our focus for May is Getting Ready for Summer and Memorial Day. Who's ready to kick off summer? I know I am!

1. What are you looking forward to this summer?

This summer so much is going to be new for us with Hockey Guy going off to college in the fall. I am looking forward to the three of us spending as much time together this summer. I am also looking forward to his college orientation in July and also helping him pick out items for his dorm room.


Hello Monday May 24, 2024: Monthly Musings May 2024 Topics


Happy Monday Besties! I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend and taking a moment to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice by defending freedom. That is the real spirit of Memorial Day.

I am also touching base as needed to step away from this site for the last few weeks as we get ready to wrap up high school and work on the laundry list of things that need to be done for Hockey Guy's university. I was not prepared for this part at all and the last few weeks have been a little overwhelming but oh so Good. 

Since this is the last Monday of May,  I am linking up with Sarah  and Holly for Hello Monday and sharing the questions for Monthly Musings coming your way on Thursday. For May, Holly and I have questions surrounding getting ready for summer and Memorial Day. 


Friday Favorites May 2024: Maycember, MeSsy Podcast, Good Mascara, Palm Royale and Surprisingly Cute Sandals


Hey there Besties, I am not going to lie to you, this has been a weird energy week. Nothing super bad, just weird energy. I am glad to be ushering in the weekend.  It's been a while since I linked up with Erika and Andrea and shared my Friday Favorites. Are you ready? Let's do this!

1. Maycember by the Holderness Family

This is actually from last year, but does this really go out of style? Is anyone else suffering from "Maycember" right now? All of craziness of December without the cookie making, Hallmark Christmas movies and winter wonderland.

I am in total Maycember right now, with finishing up high school to-dos and then trying to navigate all of the tasks for Hockey Guy's college. This is a Good season of life, but this video is spot on.

Monthly Musings April 2024: All Things Spring


Oh Besties, I am so loving spring this year. I always love spring but there is something about spring 2024 that is really making me notice all of the flowers, colors and gorgeous weather this time around.

My spring mood is perfect for Monthly Musings because Holly and I are joining the talented women who participate in this monthly linkup for all things spring.  Are you ready? I sure am!

1. Favorite thing about spring?

This year, and almost every year, I am all about the flowers. I love to drive through Old Town and other parts of our neighborhood and just take in people's flowers. I am super proud of some of the flowers that I have planted, transplanted and helped cultivate over the years.

Below are some of the flowers from seasons past in our yard. I had to use photos from previous years because I got home too late to take photos and it was already dark out.


What's Up Wednesday-April 2024


Wow April what a month. You brought us my birthday, spring weather, a bit of travel and a whole lot of fun. April has been a Good month so far. Because it is the last Wednesday of April I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday. This linkup is a little food, a little fashion, what I was watching and what I was wearing in April. Embrace this spring weather and join me for What's Up Wednesday April 2024.

What We Are Eating This Week

Monday-Greek meatballs, quinoa, roasted vegetables and garlic breadsticks for the boys

Tuesday-Tacos, black beans and salad

Wednesday-Baked chicken thighs, rice and veggies

Thursday-Shrimp scampi, noodles and salad

Friday-Some type of take-out

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