Monthly Musings-December 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020Topics for Dec 2020 Monthly Musings
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Friday Favorites: Plumberry Lotion, $50 Cashmere, USS Christmas, and New Christmas Tree
Friday, December 4, 2020
You Can't Cancel Christmas
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Oh 2020, you are really testing us all the way to the last minute. So many times this year has not turned out like we thought it would. In moments of frustration I have heard people say "what, are we just going to cancel Christmas too?????" There is usually a little bit of a shreaking tone when these words are uttered in most cases. Well Besties, I am here to tell you, you can't cancel Christmas or Hanukkah for that matter.
You see, Christmas is not something that can be cancelled like other dates on the calendar. Christmas is not a baseball game or hockey sleep away camp that you talk about all year. Christmas is not a graduation or a wedding. Christmas is not a vacation or your 50th birthday. These were all very disappointing things that were cancelled in 2020, even in the Good Better Best household. Christmas is so very much more, and thankfully you can't cancel Christmas.