The Sweet Boy, Running Daddy and I just returned from vacation and had a wonderful trip. Things have been pretty crazy in the mid-Atlantic due to the excessive heat and the storms last weekend. We were lucky that we had power but we were gone any way.
Upon returning yesterday we still had temperatures above 100 degrees and I was a little worried about the Good Better Best organic garden. I think we may have lost our zucchini plant in the heat but I will keep an eye on it.
The good news is that I was able to pick two Japanese eggplants off the vine last night. (pictured above) They are a new addition to the GBB garden this year and seem to be doing well.
Tonight I grilled up the eggplant with some yellow squash and zucchini. It was amazing and went well with our organic grilled chicken and brown rice. A perfect GBB dinner!
The Japanese eggplant was so good that the Sweet Boy ate about 9 pieces of it! The small eggplants have a a milder flavor and you can use it up pretty quickly which is ideal for us as I never quite know what to do with a great big eggplant.
Hoping to report in on some additional veggies from the Good Better Best organic garden soon!
Enjoy the Best food!