Monthly Musings December 2022-Goals for the New Year


Besties, we are getting ready to usher out 2022 and make way for 2023. With the New Year coming this weekend, Holly and I are hosting our monthly linkup called Monthly Musings and we are focused on Goals for the New Year. Pour a sparkling beverage, make those lists and join all of the talented writers who linkup with us as we get you inspired for 2023.

1. Do you make resolutions/goals for the New Year?

I think mine fall more into the goals category than resolutions. Sometimes I think that resolutions set us up for failure. I have a word for 2023, which I will get to later on in the post but mostly I have things that I am trying to get Better at, if that makes sense.

I want to be Better at meal planning with purposeful grocery shopping, especially during busy weeks. I want to be Better about less food waste and that will evolve with the first goal. I tried this all in 2022 and then fell back into bad habits.

I also want to be Better at taking time off and enjoying these last few years with Hockey Guy at home and making time for my friends. Being around Hockey Guy, Running Daddy and my friends make me feel Good about myself. There have been a lot of situations lately that have really sucked the life out of me and I need people who help breathe life into my soul.


What's Up Wednesday-December 2022


Here we are at the end of 2022 Besties and the last Wednesday of December. Did you know today is Wednesday? It is so easy to lose track during the holiday break. In so many ways, I am ready to usher this year out the door and welcome in 2023. Anyone else?

As we head into the end of the year, today I am linking up with Shay  and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday. December was an interesting month, part holiday Joy and part challenges. Settle in for the post holiday bliss of What's Up Wednesday today. 

What We're Eating This Week

Like a lot of people, we are in and out this week. We don't have a ton of holiday leftovers and Hockey Guy polished off the Christmas breakfast faster than you can say Merry Christmas! I am trying to make some real dinners that are fast and healthy while we can to balance out the dining out and Christmas treats.


Monthly Musings December 2022 Topics: Goals for the New Year


Happy Monday Besties! If you celebrated Christmas or Hanukkah I hope the season brought you great Joy. Today I am linking up with Holly and Sarah and sharing the topics for Monthly Musings coming up on Thursday. We have one final Monthly Musings for 2022 and we are talking Goals and all things for the New Year.

I hope you will join us on Thursday as a reader, writer or both of Monthly Musings. Holly and I will also be back in 2023 for more fun with Monthly Musings, so stay tuned as we will be publishing the topics and dates for Monthly Musings 2023 this week too!

I will see you on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday December 2023 Besties!


Friday Favorites-Best and Worst Christmas Songs


Besties, I am bracing myself for this to be my most controversial post of the year. Today for Friday Favorites, I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites and sharing my favorite Christmas songs and then the ones that give me the Christmas crankies. The list is not long in either category, it is well thought out and only the truly deserving made the list. I did run this by Running Daddy and he thought it was spot on.

Pour a hot chocolate, light a Christmas scented candle and settle in for my Good, Better, Best list of Best and worst Christmas songs. Feel free to comment away on my list and yours!

Best Christmas Songs

These are not really in any order because I love these all so much, I really cannot pick a top one. There are only a few, because if there are too many, it doesn't make it special...right?

Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song) by Amy Grant

The lyrics of this song have really gotten me through some tough times and medical tests over the last decade. A few weeks ago I was going back for some intense dental work, again, and I heard this song start to finish on the radio. If you need comfort this holiday season, this song is for you. I included the version when Amy sang with the Boston Pops, because the Pops are the Best

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