Today I am linking up with Erika, Narci , Andrea and Amandafor Friday favorites and sharing with you the things that I am finding Joy in this week.
1) #34 Retired:
All you Yankee fans might just want to skip right over this first thing that brings me Joy...because it is #34 David Ortiz and the fact that the Red Sox retired his number late last week. I have been a Red Sox fan my entire life...like my entire life...long before 2004. I loved the Red Sox when I was little which was frustrating, I loved them in high school which brought us a heartbreak of a World Series. I loved them in the nineties which at times was just pathetic, and I even loved them in Game 7 of the playoffs in 2003 when I was sitting in Yankee Stadium when everything fell apart.
Then everything changed...and it changed a lot in part to this guy, David Ortiz #34.