Monthly Musings: February 2021 Valentine's/Love
Thursday, January 28, 2021What's Up Wednesday--January 2021
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
January was ahem...interesting. The first few weeks of the month were unsettling especially if you live outside of the Nation's Capital. Hopefully things have calmed down and will stay that way. On this last Wednesday of the month I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday to talk what's been happening here in January.
What We're Eating This Week
This week is going to be a little touch and go dinner wise due to the fact that we are deep into the hockey season, even though our hockey season looks pretty different this year. If you are looking for meal ideas this week, with the exception of the taco meatballs, I may not be your gal this week.
Monthly Musings 2021 Graphic, Schedule and February Questions
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Welcome to Monthly Musings 2021! Holly and I hope you will join us on the last Thursday of the month for our fun link up with monthly themed questions. We hope you will join us to link up, as a reader or both. If you are going to link up, please use our graphics, link back to us and have fun with the questions. The only thing Holly and I ask is that you keep your link ups on topic with Monthly Musings only.
Here are the questions for February.
Here is the schedule and topics for all of 2021.
See you back here on Thursday!
Friday Favorites: Best Inauguration Fashion Then and Now
Friday, January 22, 2021
Ok, let's get to the fashion! Starting with the memorial event for those that died of COVID, this purple coat and dress is spot on. It has been reported that she chose this color as it is a mix of blue and red for a sign of unity.
Friday Favorites: Funny Doormat, Good Chardonnay, New Hallmark Movie, Best Joggers and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Friday, January 15, 2021
Comfort in the Chaos
Friday, January 8, 2021
This week, was a lot. The first week in January at my day job is always busy. We are finishing up the previous year and then also starting a new year and a new election cycle. Then, Wednesday happened.
This week was just heartbreaking for everyone in our country. As a person who has spent her entire adult life as part of the political process and has walked those halls and had US Capitol police officers who were my friends at our wedding, I am beyond words at what I saw and what we all saw.
When things are bad, there are always glimmers of comfort and before and after the incidents on Wednesday, here is where I found comfort this week.