You Can't Cancel Christmas


Oh 2020, you are really testing us all the way to the last minute. So many times this year has not turned out like we thought it would. In moments of frustration I have heard people say "what, are we just going to cancel Christmas too?????" There is usually a little bit of a shreaking tone when these words are uttered in most cases. Well Besties, I am here to tell you, you can't cancel Christmas or Hanukkah for that matter.

You see, Christmas is not something that can be cancelled like other dates on the calendar. Christmas is not a baseball game or hockey sleep away camp that you talk about all year. Christmas is not a graduation or a wedding. Christmas is not a vacation or your 50th birthday. These were all very disappointing things that were cancelled in 2020, even in the Good Better Best household. Christmas is so very much more, and thankfully you can't cancel Christmas.

Christmas and Hanukkah are built on miracles. Miracles surround us every day and they cannot be cancelled. The story of Hanukkah is a simple one but one of light and miracles. It's a story of knowing there is only enough oil to light the menorah for one night, but the oil lasted eight nights instead. This beautiful story and the celebration of its light and miracle cannot be cancelled.

With the birth of Jesus, God so loved the world that he sent His only son. His son that would change the world and eventually die for our sins. The son performed miracles while He lived on earth and still provides His love and guidance today. This, this cannot be cancelled.

Maybe you don't celebrate the religious aspects of Christmas, maybe you celebrate more the traditions of Christmas. The traditions of Christmas cannot be cancelled either.

-You can't cancel Joy

-You can't cancel friendship, even over Zoom

-You can't cancel love

-You can't cancel wonder

-You can't cancel charity

-You can't cancel peace

-You can't cancel silence

-You can't cancel beauty

-You can't cancel family

-You can't cancel hope

-You can't cancel light

-You can't cancel miracles

All these things are not dates circled on a calendar or logged into your iCal. All of these things are living, breathing entities that cannot be cancelled.

Even if your Christmas plans look different in 2020, remember that the very first Christmas was a humble gathering. Just in a small family brought together by love. The Holy Family slept in a barn. Our beautiful Mary, our dutiful Joseph and the Christ child were literally sleeping next to farm animals. Farm animals. So when you are driving around in your SUV with heated seats and frustrated about your Christmas not being what you wanted it to be or what you think it should be, remember that unless you are sleeping next to a donkey, you still have it pretty Good. Even in 2020.

For those of us who follow Christ, remember that there is an entity that wants us to cancel Christmas in our hearts. When we feel like we are giving up on the miracle of the first Christmas and get frustrated, that evil force is getting exactly what it wants. When we choose to focus on the darkness of the season not being what we want it to be, we are letting forces rob us of the light. When the beauty of Christmas lives in our hearts, nothing can cancel that love.

It is up to us how we view Christmas and Hanukkah this year. Are we going to focus what we may not have this year, what it may not look like, or are we going to focus on the light? It is up to us to decide what the holidays look like in 2020.

We decided the day after our very quiet but beautiful Thanksgiving for three, that if Christmas day ended up being the three of us again with steaks on the grill, we are Good with that. While we want to see our family, if this keeps everyone safe we be a table for three. We know in our house, that the real beauty of Christmas is the story of the birth of Jesus and we will reflect on that day.

We will all get a case of the Christmas COVID crankies over the next few weeks. COVID cranky is real and it happens to all of us, even me. In those times, I hope you will take a moment to focus on the quiet, focus on the Joy, pray for the light of healthcare workers and the miracles of those working on a vaccine. Pray for the protection of the vulnerable and to push away the forces that revel in your feelings of Christmas being cancelled.

My Besties, the only way you can cancel Christmas or Hanukkah is if you cancel it in your heart. The light surrounds us. Look for the light, not the darkness because the darkness is there too and it so wants to win the season. Will you let it? It's up to you. 


  1. This was so wonderful to read my friend and all so very true - follow Christ and Follow The Joy XO

  2. You my sweet friend are always an example of following Christ and the Joy!


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