What We're Eating This Week
Monday-Greek ground turkey with rice and steamed broccoli
Tuesday-Beef short ribs, roasted red potatoes and salad
Wednesday-Not sure yet, probably something light heading into Thanksgiving
Thursday-Thanksgiving dinner from the Mount Vernon Inn. I am pretty excited about it.
Friday-Take out.
What I'm Reminiscing About
I am working really hard to not get dragged down a rabbit hole of being upset over what I am missing out on this holiday season. I am just embracing memories like the years that the boys did the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.
I am so loving my new heated throw that I use while I am working at home. I am always so cold. In my real office I always have a blanket and my space heater. I ordered this heated throw blanket and it has really been a Good addition to my work at home experience. This would be a really Good gift for just about anyone on your gifting list.
I am also loving my new Essie gel polish in Walk the Hemline. The color description says that it is a mocha toned brown, but it turns a lovely pinky brown on me which is one of my favorite tones.
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The next thing that Hockey Guy and I are loving is our new accupressure mat. When you look at this thing, you will probably think we have lost our minds but it is awesome. I bought it to help with back and neck problems and it really does help.
For about the first 2-3 minutes, it kind of feels like you are laying on a porcupine or a hair brush. Once you settle in it starts to feel really good and even a little warm. I have been know to actually fall asleep on this thing, no lie. Hockey Guy uses it after games for soreness. We definitely feel that this mat hurts so Good. It's not for everyone, but we love it and it really helps us sleep too!
What We've Been Up To
Despite the fact that we are still not leaving the house all that much, we have been up to a lot. We are still working at home with hybrid learning happening as well. I finished up the election cycle at work and then also our board meeting.
Hockey Guy has been playing a lot of hockey and it's so Good that he can get ice time. The rules on how many parents can watch the games keep changing. I think I have been able to watch him play about four times and I am happy with any time I get. Hoping that his high school team will play too as that has been his goal for so many years.
We have also been doing a lot of yard work and pulling out a lot of old bad landscaping that just needed to go. I also put in some bulbs last weekend and that is just such a therapeutic process.
What I'm Dreading
I am trying not to dread anything, but in the back of my mind I am dreading the thought of the high school hockey season getting cancelled. We are just taking things one day at a time and not worry too much about it.
What I'm Working On
With actual work, I finished up election cycle 2020 and our board meeting in early November. It is always a sprint to the finish but I am relieved we completed the cycle. Now on to planning for 2021/2022.
I am also trying to get things organized in our house. There are just a lot of clothes that need to go out and areas to be tidied up.
I am also working on my Christmas shopping list. My first priority is getting all of the gifts that need to be shipped.
What I'm Excited About
The Christmas season. Period. We need it now more than ever.
What I am Watching/Reading
I am still working my way through The Andy Cohen Diaries. I have not really had a lot of time to read.
We are watching The Bachelorette. We were all pretty exhausted with Claire, but that woman made for Good television. Poor Dale, I am not sure he bright enough to know what he got himself into.
Of course I am watching a whole lot of Hallmark! Oh it is just giving me so much Joy right now. So far I have loved Christmas in Vienna and Cranberry Christmas. I caught part of The Christmas House but need to sit down and watch the whole movie.
And now, the show we are completely obsessed with in the Good Better Best household...The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Seriously. This is varsity level Housewives. All the glamour of Beverly Hills, who knew, mixed with some bad fashion and then the most amazing arguments. Three words...I smell hospital. One of the greatest Housewives insults of all time.
Move over Beverly Hills you have some real competition on your hands.
All the Christmas music. While I work, while I drive, basically when I am not Hallmarking, I am listening to Christmas music.
Mostly I am wearing a lot of cargo pants and jeans which are really Good options for working from home.
I also grabbed this vest from J Crew Factory and it's the perfect piece for running errands. It's warm but not bulky and I am loving the navy with the gold accents.
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I also really love my election day outfit that I wore to our socially distant outdoor lunch. This outfit was comfortable and yet I felt so Good in it. This may be my go to outfit for the holiday season.
What I'm Doing This Weekend
Friday morning I am getting up early to shop. I think the post office is going to be busier than ever so I am trying to get any gifts I need to ship out at as soon as possible.
We are going to get out our Christmas decorations but only put up one of the trees. I got a smaller, narrow artificial tree for the family room downstairs and that will go up but we are going to hold off on getting our real tree for a few weeks.
I think Running Daddy is going to work on our outdoor lights too. It may take a little more planning this year as we pulled out a lot of landscaping this fall.
What I Am Looking Forward to Next Month
I am looking forward to all things Christmas, whatever Christmas looks like this year. I am going to have a lot more to say about this next week, so you will want to stay tuned.
What Else Is New
I think I have covered it all.
I also want to take the time on this day before Thanksgiving to thank each and every person who stops by this site to read and comment. I totally pour my heart into this site and it brings me such Joy to have you read my words.
I hope everyone stays safe this Thanksgiving and I will see you back here next week.
I totally miss getting to watch my kids do their things but I'm just so thankful that they get to do something. (If that makes any sense.) I really hope Hockey Guy's high school season doesn't get cancelled this year. And now I'll have to make sure to catch Cranberry Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteI love that puff sleeve top on you- Happy Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Friend! XO
ReplyDeleteIt must feel wonderful to make it to the end of the cycle at work! I have watched so many Christmas movies this year. I have been trying to record all of the weekend premiers and then I watch them during the week. Thank you for giving us a peek into your world, I really enjoy your posts!
ReplyDeleteWe bought a heated throw blanket a few years ago and I just LOVE it so much. You can almost always find me snuggled up under there.