Monthly Musings January 2024-Winter Self-Care


Oh Besties, Holly and I are kicking off Monthly Musings 2024 with a topic that is so near and dear to my heart. Today we are talking about self-care tips for winter, or really any time of the year. I cannot wait to hear the tips that our community that joins us share today. Feel free to leave your Best tips in the comments below too. Take a deep breath in and out and join us for Monthly Musings.

1. How do you take care of yourself in winter?

I know that January can be very dark, but I also find it quiet. I try to embrace the quiet in January.

In the winter I definitely like to light candles both real and battery-operated when I get home and on the weekends. It just kind of gives the signal to my brain that I am home now and all is calm. We try really hard to keep a calm house.

I also to get out a little bit in the winter and walk and get some cool air in my lungs. I am almost finished with my 100 mile challenge and it has been really Good to be out in the winter weather and get some exercise. 

I also try to listen to a little more instrumental music that is also calm. I do it when I work and also when I come home for a bit especially if I am not feeling calm. I like artists like Windam Hill and Jim Brickman as well as some Disney instrumentals. Try these with some candles and your fireplace when you need a little winter chill.

In general, I take a lot of vitamins and hopefully, those will help me ward off any sicknesses this winter.

2. How do you fight the winter blues?

Definitely, exercise is a Good way to fight the winter blues. A walk with a group of friends followed by coffee can do wonders for anyone.

I have also gone back to my short devotional readings and gratitude journaling first thing in the morning. I typically pour my coffee, turn up my heated mattress pad, cuddle with Stormy, read my devotionals, and then write my gratitude and prayers list. I believe that going back to this practice has really helped my anxiety and sleep. Feel free to reach out to me via email or DM if you want to know a little more about this practice as I know it can be very personal.

3. Tips to make your living space cozy?

I am all about our fireplace in the winter. We have three gas fireplaces and I love to flip them on for a bit.

I already mentioned the importance of candles in our evening and a little bit of soft music.

I also love a really Good faux fur blanket and snuggles with a large labrador retriever.

4. Suggestions for fun wintertime activities?

I spend a lot of time in ice rinks during the winter so my time can be limited. Sometimes before a game Running Daddy and I will either grab a coffee or glass of wine.

I also love walking my dog in the winter because he really hates the heat. He loves walking in the cold and wearing his sweater.

I also highly recommend the Good walk followed by coffee with girlfriends. You can really solve all of the world's problems on these walks and coffees.

5. What are your exercise routines in winter?

I am not one of those people who lives to workout. I often joke that I am notoriously lazy but I know that is really not true. In general, I like to walk and go to Barre3. I always say that Barre3 is the only exercise I truly enjoy. I haven't been in a while and I starting to crave it a bit. Now classes should be less crowded post-New Year's resolutions, I may get back in there.

I like to walk, especially in the winter if it is not too cold. I like to walk because you can do it really at any time. I also really like to take Stormy on my walks. He loves a long walk and is usually such a Good boy. 

6. Best tips for restful sleep?

Sleep is so important and I am glad that there a focus on sleep related to health lately. I think there needs to be even more talk about this. I mentioned last month that my doctor has had at least two conversations with me on the importance of sleep to overall health.

Running Daddy would tell you that my sleep routine is very involved. We use an essential oil diffuser at night and I typically use a lavender or a blend called Unwind from Grove. I also use a magnesium spray on the bottoms of my feet (I know weird) that helps me sleep and helps my anxiety. You can get this through Grove as well.

I also think it is totally key to make your bed every morning. When I was in my 20's my friend told me that she made her bed every morning because she couldn't sleep in an unmade bed. She is totally right and I have made my bed basically every morning ever since. 

7. Favorite warm beverage?

In the morning I am all about my coffee. In the afternoon I might have a coffee or I also really like jasmine green tea. When I am sick, I am all about the hot toddy, but I make mine with rum. I cannot have whiskey because I am gluten-free. A hot toddy is all it's cracked up to be. 

8.  Best winter skincare tips?

For my face, I typically switch to a creamier cleanser. I just started using this cleanser and I have only used it for a few days. Is anyone else using this? 

My main challenge, especially in the winter is that I have eczema. I get it on my shins which is really random and I find that layering products really helps. When I get out of the shower I am using a creamy oil from CeraV and then adding an itch relief cream from CeraV on my shins. My friend gave me a really fancy honey-based body cream for Christmas and I am using that on the rest of my body, but not my shins, right now. 

9. Flannel sheets-yes or no?

I am yes on flannel sheets but only when it is really cold. I put them on the bed this past weekend when it was really cold but I am probably going to take them off this weekend because it is supposed to be warm, humid, and almost 70 degrees tomorrow. I don't do humid and flannel.

10. Favorite winter pajamas?

About two years ago I bought a pair of Soma Cool Nights pajamas and never looked back. Twelve months of the year, long-sleeved, short-sleeved, pants and shorts, these are the only pajamas I wear. The fabric just cannot be beaten. Soma is having a really Good sale right now so this is a great time to try a pair. 

I hope you will take a moment to visit the other writers who are linking up with us and sharing their winter self-care tips.

Below are also all of the topics for Monthly Musings for 2024. Be sure to refer to this graphic because apparently, I missed July when I posted the original list on Monday. Thank you to Natasha for keeping me straight on this.

If you have any self-care tips that you want to share please leave them in the comments below if you didn't link up with us today. The more we can share and support each other on this topic the Better.

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  1. That honey based body cream looks really nice! I haven’t tried CeraV yet, but I get eczema on the back of my arms. It may work for me!

    1. It's so random where the eczema pop up isn't it. Let me know what else works for you.

  2. I am also a firm believer in walks keeping me sane during the winter. And I also don't do flannel when it's hot which is why we didn't put them on until January this year. And I just noticed July was missing because I love this link up so much and was sad to miss a month!!!

    1. I am so glad you caught it. I only looked at the graphic 100 times. We love having you join us!

  3. Yes! Coffee and walking are two of my favorite things :)

  4. I have a few pairs of the cool nights too but I only buy the pants with tank tops. :)

  5. Yes, to walks in the winter! I love the cool, crisp air and not having to share the sidewalk with many people/ dogs (I know you have one and I don´t dislike dogs but I got bit by one on a run and spent a few days in the hospital as a result of the bite so I prefer for my interactions to be few and far in between with dogs!) since so few walk or are outside on super cold days. I would love three gas fireplaces! We just have one and I love it.

  6. Coffee and walking and flannel sheets in winter - yes!! I do like having soft music playing too but for some reason I didn't mention that. Stay warm!


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