My Interview with Corporate Mom Life


Today I am so excited to share with you an interview that I did with Colleen Thedieck who just launched Corporate Mom Life an online magazine on LinkedIn. Colleen's goal is to focus on balancing it all with a focus on moms who work in Corporate America. I loved talking with her and sharing my day, my work philosophy, and things that are total non-starters when it comes to work for me. 

If you love this article that I did with Colleen, be sure to follow her on LinkedIn. Colleen has a great writing style and I know she will have a wealth of knowledge for women in the coming months through this online magazine. 

The article is below and be sure to join this community that Colleen is building on LinkedIn

Interview with Patty

Colleen Thedieck
Provider Contract Manager| Contract Negotiator| Value-Based Care| Healthcare Strategy| ThoughtLeader| Productivity Strategist

About Patty

Patty is married to her husband. They have one son who is 16 years old.

Patty and her husband work full-time in corporate positions.

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  • Patty works for a Fortune 500 company.
  • The company offers a hybrid flex schedule.
  • Patty enjoys time in the office with her colleagues.

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Patty and her husband have a 16-year-old, active lacrosse and hockey player. Her days are spent working at the office, enjoying dinner with her husband, and waiting for her son to come home from a day of school, homework, and lacrosse practice.

The most challenging experience of raising her son is Tuesday and Thursday nights to keep herself awake until 10:30 pm.

Her son is dedicated to his sport, and it is the time he will open up and discuss any of the truly important parts of his life: relationships, what's on his mind, and how to troubleshoot any problem he may be experiencing. 

Does that include a few late-night chats into the wee hours when her son needs to talk it out? Yep-you bet, and she is happy to be there for him as his mom.

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Drink Coffee and embracing alone time is a priority for Patty.

  • Gratitude Journal
  • Morning Devotion
  • Blogging or writing

These are a few of the activities that can occur each morning to set Patty up for a successful day as a Corporate Mom.

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What was the moment you realized you had to change how you work as a mom?

For Patty, it was during a job interview.

The job would advance her career opportunities, but the company only offered seven (7) PTO days. 

As a wife and mom, Patty knew this corporate policy would put a strain on her family and, quite frankly, realized her career was important, but she would choose her family and their needs over a corporate career move.

What tactical advice do you have to navigate tough decisions as a working corporate mom?

Determine your non-negotiables when it comes between your career and family. This will include ensuring you work at the right company with a supportive and flexible manager.

Patty knows being there for all her son’s school activities, home, and travel lacrosse & hockey games is non-negotiable.

Does this include working thru lunches or working a few hours later in the evening the week leading up to her son’s games?

Yes, and Patty wouldn’t have it any other way.

What mom hack do you think every mom should know?

Meal Planning. Patty believes that meal planning is every mom's hack to master.

She even started a blog, Good, Better, Best, to share her tips and tricks.

I hope you take a peek at Patty's blog. She really does offer time-saving and nutritious recipes for the Corporate Mom.

Ready to share your advice with other Corporate Moms?


  1. This is great Patty- loved reading it- you rock motherhood and especially working motherhood- girl after my own heart!

  2. What a great idea for a LinkedIn article. I would think there are many people looking for others to connect with in the same stage of life. I agree - a flexible work schedule is the MOST important part when looking for or accepting a position when you have busy kiddos!

    1. Thanks Jennibell. Be sure to follow Colleen on Linked in for more great content!


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