Happy Friday everyone. We had a really Good week here around the Good Better Best household. We are on Easter break and all of us are home all week for the first time in a long time. Time to link up with Erika, Narci and Andrea today for a list of my Friday Favorites. These are the things I am finding Joy in this week.
1) Easter
We love Easter in the Good Better Best household. While I am all about Christmas, I think as a family Easter is our favorite holiday. We have always hosted Easter but had to move to my in-laws last year due to our massive renovation. We were so glad to have Easter back at our house. Hockey Guy served Easter Mass and then everyone headed to our house. We have a massive egg hunt and typically shoot off bottle rockets. I know, nothing says Jesus is Risen like a bottle rocket. This year Running Daddy started the egg hunt by shooting off a bottle rocket. He later strapped a model Tesla to the rocket and shot it off.
2) Birthdays
My mom and I have birthdays that are a day apart and they are usually around Easter. As always Hockey Guy and Running Daddy did a great job in choosing the Best birthday gifts for me. All my favorite things, Barre3 (that shirt sold out in a couple of days and he was able to score one for me), Housewives and the Bachelor.
A lot of my friends are asking me about the Erika Jane book. I am thinking about doing a book review here on this blog. Please leave a comment if you think you would be up for a book review from one miss Erika Jane.
3) Staycation
Some years we take a big trip on Easter break (think Bahamas) and some years we do mini trips (like Busch Gardens) this year we needed to do a staycation. I am starting a new job next week (yippee),which I have alluded to in previous posts, and really didn't know when I would be starting. So we are pushing any big vacations into later in the year. That doesn't mean we didn't have a lot of fun around here. There are so many Good places to go within an hour of our house.
On Saturday, a group of us went to the Georgetown lacrosse game. They played #3 Denver and almost beat them. It was a really Good game. After the game we walked over to the famous steps from the movie The Exorcist.
We finished the afternoon with lunch at The Tombs and then a driving tour of the JFK houses located in Georgetown. There are a lot of JFK houses in Georgetown and we are watching the CNN American Dynasty series on the Kennedy's as a family right now.
On Monday the boys took their annual trip to the New York auto show. They have the Best time. Wednesday we headed to the National Aquarium in Baltimore for my birthday. Nothing Better than sharks, stingrays and jellies on your big day. Thursday we hit Annapolis for a tour of the Naval Academy.
4) Bravo premiers
This week was a big week in Bravoland. The premier of both the Real Housewives of New York City and Southern Charm. I think the last three years either New York Housewives or Southern Charm has premiered on my actual birthday. Thank you Andy Cohen!
Running Daddy and I have had lot of discussions about Bravo lately. I personally think that New York is the absolute Best franchise hands down and possible this current cast is the Best cast of any franchise ever (and yes...that includes Tinsley). Running Daddy said that New York Housewives are major league and Southern Charm is like really Good AAA ball.

That's what I have for this first week in April. I really hope the weather gets Better soon and stays that way. Feel free to leave me a note in the comments if you want me to do a Good Better Best book review on either of the books I received for my birthday.
I am right there with you Patty- where is Spring already? Hope you have a great weekend!!!