Simply Good Sweet Potato Chips and a Wine Review

At times I feel like we are in a little bit of a "side rut" in the Good Better Best household...meaning sometimes I feel like we are having the same side dishes over and over.  While the Sweet Boy does not really like mashed sweet potato...I decided to try sweet potato chips.  I played with the recipe and it was a hit.  This is a Simply Good recipe and sure to be a hit in your house as well.

Two large sweet potatoes
Olive oil
Sea salt
Rosemary-about three springs

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
Slice the sweet potatoes very thin using a sharp knife or a mandoline.
Place potato slices on a baking sheet.  Spray with olive oil using a olive oil mister.
Run a knife through the rosemary and sprinkle on sweet potato slices.
Sprinkle with the sea salt and put in the oven.
Bake for 20-22 minutes until crispy. Serve immeidately.

We served the sweet potato chips with grilled flank steak and a mixed green salad.

The highlight of the meal was a Penfolds Bin 128 Shiraz from our friends at Wine Chateau in Metuchen and Piscataway,NJ.

This was the perfect wine with this awesome fall meal.  Peppery with a hint of spice yet with a smooth finish.  Running Daddy and I love Shiraz and this was a great wine on a Sunday night as it was not too heavy.

If you are in the New Jersey area, stop intoWine Chateau and try the Penfolds Bin 128 Shiraz.  Not local... that is ok, our friends there can ship you some.  Just tell them that Patty at Good Better Best Food sent you.

Enjoy the Best Food and Wine!

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